Hey! I’m Andy Fischer.

Your Go-To Grooming Expert!

I specialize in barbering, short hair, men’s grooming, and hair & scalp health. Day in and day out I discuss with my clients all things short hair and grooming. I receive many of the same questions and inquiries about all short hair, scalp, and men’s grooming in my chair and I believe in sharing my knowledge with all.

My goal with this blog is for you to be confident in yourself by learning how to practice self care in these areas, keeping up to date with the latest haircut trends, receiving honest product reviews, and debunking myths in my field. With over 10 years of professional experience and a lifetime of hair industry knowledge (thanks, mom!), I can’t wait to share all that I’ve learned with you.

If you want to receive my blog posts as they are released (every Sunday 10am EST), be sure to subscribe to my mailing list below. :)

Andy Fischer